Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Combat fear by developing self-confidence

  Here are few guidelines:

1.  Emphasize your strengths. Focus on what it is that you are capable of achieving and praise yourself for your strength and your struggle than focusing  on the results. Beginning on a foundation of things that you are capable rather than what should you be doing will help you live and work within your limitations.

 2.  Talk to yourself. Examine yourself and practice how to handle situations as  well as counter negative ones. Know when to stop when you catch yourself in a negative assumption. 

For instance, when you find yourself demanding perfection, tell yourself that  everything can not result perfectly.  This will allow you to believe in yourself at  the same time that you are striving to get better.  

3.  Evaluate yourself. Practice how to independently evaluate yourself. This will  let you avoid the persistent sense of confusion that results when you are relying  completely on the opinions and judgment of others. 

4.  Take those risks. When you face and accept experiences as instruments for  learning than possibilities to lose or win, new opportunities can be unlocked and  this can develop your self awareness and acceptance. 

Remember, self-confidence can be developed, not inherited; and fear can be overcome because you have the trust and the faith in yourself to do so.  

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